Thursday, July 12, 2007

Unit III Lab Project


This model represents a movable, flexible limb. This model also shows the elbow joint, and how it makes the arm move. Neurons and muscle cells are also depicted in this model, as well as their specific function in the arm. The essential elements presented in this model include neurons carrying action potentials that trigger muscle (neurotransmitter), actin-myosin sliding filaments, a bony element that muscle attaches to and moves, and a joint that allows for movement.
The neurons presented in this model include axon with schwann cells, movements of charged sodium and potassium ions across the membrane (action potential), and the propagation of action potential along the axon. There are also several aspects of the muscle cells included in this model, such as sarcolemma and T-tubule membranes, a sarcomere, the release of calcium from the Sarcoplasmic reticulum, calcium binding to myosin, and myosin cross-bridges that bring actin filaments together. All of these things put together make a simple limb movement.
Elbow joint – This joint is considered a hinge joint in the body, in which this joint only moves in one direction. This joint is also formed by three bones; the humerus, radius, and ulna and allows the arm to move.
Neurotransmitters – These chemicals are used in order to amplify and relay electrical signals between a neuron and another cell. Within the cell, small neurotransmitter molecules are usually found in vesicles. When action potential occurs, and travels to the synapse, depolarization causes the calcium ion channels to open, which leads to the process of exocytosis.
Actin-myosin sliding filaments – These filaments are responsible for many types of movement in the muscle. Myosin is the prototype of a protein that converts chemical energy in the form of ATP to mechanical energy, in order to create enough force to make the arm move.
Bony element that muscle attaches to – The two ends of the muscle belly are attached to a bone by a muscle tendon. The bone that remains stable during movement is known as the origin, and the bone that moves when the muscle belly contracts in known as insertion. A muscle can make an arm move when insertion occurs, and moves toward the origin, as the muscle belly shortens.
Axon with Schwann cells – Schwann cells speed up and save energy for the processes of action potentials. This variety of neuroglia mainly provides myelin insulation to axons in the peripheral nervous system of our bodies.
Action potential – This process of electrical discharge is very important in order to carry information within and between tissues. This charge travels along the membrane of a cell, and essential in animal and some plant life.
Propagation of action potential – Propagation is the interaction between membrane depolarization and sodium channels. Action potential will propagate in unmyelinated axons, and let sodium ions enter the cell by facilitated diffusion.
Sarcolemma – This is the cell membrane of a muscle cell which receives and conducts stimuli. This membrane is extendable, and encloses different substances from muscle fiber.
Sarcomere – This is the basic unit of a muscle’s myofibril. Sarcomeres are multi-protein complexes which are composed of three different filament systems. The different bands in the sarcomeres allow muscle contraction to occur, and expand and contract in order make the muscle move.
Release of Calcium – This process is important because it lets ATP hydrolysis occur, which supplies energy in the actin-myosin complex. When the action potential triggers a myocyte to contract, calcium ions are able to enter. This calcium actually triggers the release of more calcium ions that are stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Calcium binding to myosin – This calcium is then able to bind to myosin, after the energy is supplied in the actin-myosin complex. This is needed in order to trigger a contraction of the muscle.
Myosin cross-bridges – During this cycle, actin combines with myosin, and ATP is used to produce force. This ATP first disconnects the actin from the myosin, and is then hydrolyzed by the myosin in order to produce the energy needed for muscle contraction.

List of limb parts & their representations:
* Elbow joint – Represented by pizza tongs
* Neurons carrying action potentials that trigger muscle – Represented by beef
* Actin-myosin sliding filaments – Represented by the colored lines in straws.
* Bony element – Represented by Styrofoam boxes
* Axon with Schwann cells – Represented by sour punch straws, pixie sticks, and mini back scratchers
* Action potential – Represented by single sour punch straws
* Propagated action potential – Represented by sweet tarts on the sour punch straws, pixie sticks, and mini back scratchers.
* Sarcolemma – Represented by a group of straws and rubber bands
* Sarcomere – Represented by a single straw coming out of a straw bundle
* Calcium binding to myosin – Represented by an M&M attached to single straw
* Myosin crossing bridges – Represented by jelly bracelets and a beaded bracelet
* Muscle belly split into various components – Represented by a bundle of straws, with single straws coming out of the bundle in various colors.
*Muscle – Represented by pepperoni slices

The model itself:

I know someone who works at a pizza place, and I was able to use these ingredients to make dough. I made half a batch with 1 ½ cups of oil, ½ cup of salt, 25 lbs of water, 50 lbs of flour, and 4 oz of yeast.

The mixer used to blend all the ingredients

This was the scale used to measure the ingredients

This is the dough when it is finished, and wrapped around a stack of lids in order to make the shape of an arm.

This dough represents the arm and elbow joint, (even though this one is large), and simulates a real arm.

This picture shows the neurons that carry action potentials that trigger muscle, that are found in the elbow joint.

This is a picture of the sarcolemma and its bands

This is a picture of the bone cut from Styrofoam boxes

This is a picture of the axon with schwann cells

This is a picture of the process of action potential, and its propagation represented by sweet tarts.

This is a picture of a single sarcomere

This is a picture of calcium binding to myosin

This is a picture of the muscle belly split into various components

This is a picture of the myosin cross-bridges

This is a picture of the bone being inserted into the dough arm

It took one day for the dough to harden, but it also needed to be stuffed in order to keep its shape.

Here is the elbow joint being inserted into the arm, in order to make it flexible and able to move.
Here is the finished arm. A rubber band is at the bottom of the elbow joint (pizza tongs), make it so the arm can contract and be flexible.

Here is the finished arm contracting, as you can see the muscle inside the arm

This model was time consuming, and extremely difficult in showing all the parts of a muscle together inside the arm. I had to do all of the pieces separately, but it all came together and the arm could contract, and was flexible. This lab project was a very interesting experience, and a creative way in learning about the muscle contraction process.

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