Saturday, July 14, 2007

Compendium review #1 (Unit III)


There are two main types of neurons in the body (Mader).
These include motor and sensory neurons (Mader). Motor neurons are located in the Central Nervous System of the body, and either directly or indirectly control muscles. When this occurs, their axons are actually projected outside the central nervous system. This type of neuron is responsible for many types of muscle control, which involves movement of all limbs (Mader). Each motor neuron is also responsible for many organs as well as muscles (Mader).
Sensory neurons are just as important as motor neurons. Sensory neurons are nerve cells that are located in the nervous system. These neurons are responsible for converting external stimuli from an organism’s environment into an internal electrical motor reflex (Frolich). This reflex loops, and makes several forms of involuntary behavior form, including pain avoidance (Mader). These neurons can be found in animals, but in most humans these reflex circuits are usually found in the spinal cord (Mader). In complex organisms, sensory neurons relay their information to the central nervous system (Mader). In less complex organisms, sensory neurons transmit information to the brain where it can be further processed (Mader). When it comes to olfactory sensory neurons (neurons involved in smell), these neurons make synapses with neurons of the olfactory bulb, and the sense of smell is processed (Mader).
Molecularly, sensory receptors can be found on the cell membrane of sensory neurons (Mader). These neurons are responsible for the conversion of stimuli into important electrical impulses (Mader). The type of receptor employed by a given sensory neuron is what determines the type of stimuli that it will be sensitive to (Mader). Going back to the sensory receptors for smell, the olfactory receptors make a cell sensitive to odors, and make it so humans can have this sense (Mader).
Nervous system function:
The nervous system is extremely important in all living things, and is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body (Unknown). It is also the center of all mental activity (Unknown). These activities include everything from thought, to learning and memory (Unknown). The nervous system, combined with the endocrine system are responsible for regulating and maintaining the body’s much needed homeostasis, in order to keep it regular (Unknown). The nervous system is also to keep us in touch with our environment, externally and internally by the action of its receptors (Unknown). The nervous system is similar to that of other systems in the body, because it is composed of organs (Unknown). The main parts that make up the nervous system are the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and the ganglia (Unknown). This system also includes various tissues, including nerve, connective, and blood tissue (Unknown). All of these organs and tissues together carry out the complex activities of the nervous system.
The nervous system can be generalized into three categories of activity (Unknown) . These categories include sensory, integrative, and motor (Unknown). Along with these categories, come millions of sensory receptors that detect changes inside and outside of the body, known as stimuli. They receptors watch for things such as temperature, light, and sound from our environment (Unknown) . They also detect things in the internal environment such as variations in pressure, pH, and carbon dioxide concentration (Unknown). All of this information together is known as sensory input (Unknown). This type of input is converted into electrical signals, known as nerve impulses, and are transmitted to the brain. These impulses create signals that are brought together in order to create sensations or produce thought (Unknown).

Diffusion and Action:
The electrical discharge that travels along the membrane of a cell occurs because of action potential (Mader). Action potentials are essential, especially in human and animal life, because they rapidly carry information with and between tissues (Mader). Action potentials can be created by many types of cells, but are commonly used by the nervous system for communication between neurons (Mader). Action potentials can also transmit information from neurons to other body tissues such as muscles and glands (Mader). This is extremely important in make our body function as a whole, and make parts of our body move, and understand our internal world (Mader).
Although action potentials can be in different cells of animals, some plants, and humans, they are not the same in all cell types (Frolich). Action potential can even vary in their properties at different locations, even if they are in the same cell (Frolich). Cardiac action potentials are an example of this, and are significantly different from the action potentials in most neurons (Frolich). Action potentials are so important to human life, because they give us many different abilities we use in everyday life. For example, action potentials give us the ability to sense our environment, and process informaion rapidly and respond to the rapid transmission of messages within the body (Frolich). Action potentials are also responsible for transmitting messages that are unique to animals (Frolich).
Reflex arc:
A reflex arc is known as the neural pathway which mediates a reflex action (Mader). This means that in more complex animals, most of the sensory neurons don’t pass directly into the brain, but through a synapse in the spinal cord (Mader). A reflex action is able to occur because of this characteristic, which occurs relatively quickly, and activates the spinal motor neurons (Mader). This process is able to go faster because there is no delay of routing signals through the brain, although the brain will receive sensory input while the reflex action occurs (Mader).
There is also a somatic reflex arc (Unknown 2). This is the simplest possible arrangement of elements to permit a response to stimuli, and the final element in the chain is skeletal muscle (Unknown 2). This system includes sensory transducers in the periphery, such as Pacinian corpuscles and other tactile sensors in the skin (Unknown 2). Also included in this system is the pseudounipolar sensory neuron, interconnector neurons, and the effector organ (Uknown 2).
What can we sense?:
All over our bodies we have sensory receptors that enable us to respond to stimulus from our body internally, or externally through our environment (Frolich). These receptor cells also trigger action potential in connecting sensory neurons (Frolich). Even though we have these receptors all over our body, the majority are in the spinal cord and brain, and are responsible for interpreting and analyzing information (Frolich). They are able to analyze the questions, where, what, how much, and how strong (Frolich).
All of these examples are unconscious processes that all normal bodies undergo (Frolich). Although this is true, there are somatic sensory perceptions that are conscious (Frolich). These perceptions occur in large fields of the brain, and are responsible for organizing information spatially (Frolich). In perceptions that are visual, the visual cortex is responsible for forming a visual field, or complete visual image for humans to see (Frolich).
Sensory cortex maps for touching sensations all over the surface of our skin are also very important (Frolich). If we didn’t have cutaneous receptors on our skin, we wouldn’t be able to touch, feel pressure, tell the difference between hot and cold objects, or feel pain (Frolich). Ultimately these receptors are responsible for making humans feel alive.
Many people also forget that we have many more than just five senses. We have other senses that are not as obvious, such as the sense of proprioception (Frolich). This is what gives our body position by sensing muscle tension (Frolich). Without this, we wouldn’t be able to tell if our bodies are sitting, or standing (Frolich). Another important sense that we don’t think about it, is equilibrium (Frolich). This is probably the most important of our senses, and gives us the able to stand up straight, and have balance (Frolich). Without this quality, we wouldn’t be able to move any parts of our body without falling, and would never be able to do virtually nothing (Frolich).

Frolich, Larry. “Nervous Function Powerpoint” pg. 3-7
Mader, Robert. “Human Biology 10th ed”. 2008.
Unknown “Functions of the nervous system”. 2007.
Unknown 2 “Somatic reflex arc”. 2007.

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