Saturday, June 30, 2007

Self and Unit evaluation

1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?
Again, I am most proud of my 2 compendium reviews, and my lab project because they are the most time consuming. I really enjoy seeing the results after working so hard on them.
2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement?
I probably could have improved my ethical issues essay, and put in more viewpoints on the issue. I also could have been more extensive with my nutrition lab.
3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit?
I believe that this unit went a lot smoother than the last one, and I did pretty well on most of the projects, and didn’t have a problem posting the entire lab, like in the last one…so, I would have to say I am hoping for an A, and believe that in this unit I deserve it.
4. How could I perform better in the next unit?
In my next unit, I need to present more viewpoints on my ethical issues essay. I’ve been tending to just keep it at one or two point of views.
At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?
I really enjoyed the section about the circulatory system. It was interesting to learn exactly which organs do which jobs that work together to make us complex human beings.
At what moment unit did you feel most distanced from the course?
I didn’t enjoy all the activities with blood pressure as much as the nutrition activity, and the nutrition compendium review.
What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that find most affirming and helpful?
I believe that any answered questions from the professor help me through the unit.
What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing?
I thought that this unit was much more straight forward than the last, and I didn’t really feel any confusing during this unit.
What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
What surprised me most about this unit is how much information I have retained from it. When I hear something on TV, such as a commercial for a medication reducing heart disease, I instantly think of what I have learned from this unit.

1 comment:

Larry Frolich said...

Tamara, I appreciated the emailed metabolic rate lab…it did look much better organized, and more than anything for the graphs which were beautiful! I also enjoyed your ethics issue. Yes, time is always the constraint and I don’t know if we’ll convince fast food to change their menus. Markets and marketing are strange things!

On the online labs, I didn’t see the graphics that the lab write-up asks for. For the blood pressure lab, I didn’t see any graphics and for the food lab, I’m not sure where the table that you sent came from, but I was looking for the summary nutrition information screen. No big deal, your compendiums are great, the lab project great and really wonderful work in general. Keep it up!