Friday, July 27, 2007

Ethical issues essay (Unit IV)

Who should reproduce?

Some people think that people over the age of thirty five should not reproduce. This is because women who become pregnant after the age of thirty five have a much higher chance of giving their children Down Syndrome, or other diseases involved with aging. Other people think that teenagers should not be able to reproduce because they cannot take care of their own body, so how are they able to care for a child of their own? It is scientifically been proven that women over the age of 35, and 40 have a much higher chance of giving their child a horrible disease, or raising children that innately have a lower intelligence that children born of 25 year old parents. It is also proven that teenagers don’t usually have the means, or the knowledge of how to properly care for themselves, and as a result, poorly affect their child’s health, and mental state. Although these perspectives on who should reproduce have some grain of truth to them, we can’t control people into thinking when the proper age is for children. Many adults also wait so long to have children, because they want to make sure that their children will be well cared for by their growing careers, and make sure that they are financially stable before they start to raise children. Some teens may actually also want to have children, because they are ready to become adults, and have always wanted to start a family. Either way, our society should not tell people what they can and can’t do, based on what they believe to be the proper thing to do.


desertfiddlekate said...

I enjoyed your essay very much. It was concise and clear. It presented the main ideas of the topic well. Having your input added on to the information made it more personal and enjoyable to read. I was surprised by some of your facts. I did not know about the facts mentioned that affect Down's Syndrome and other birth defects. Overall, it was a well-done, educational, and enjoyable essay. Good job. :)

Larry Frolich said...

Tamara, nice work on this unit. I would have liked to see the reproduction lab and demographics images. The rest looks great. Keep up the good work and good luck with all you do,

Anonymous said...


zar said...

If God did not want a woman to have children, He would not have given her menstrual. I strongly believe that when a girl becomes a woman, until she is old, i.e menopausal, she can and she should reproduce, when ever she wants.