Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ethical issues essay #3

Exercise--is the concept working?

All you have to do is eat healthy and exercise. Sounds like a simple concept, right? Wrong! These things can seem like very simple concepts, but can be very difficult for many people. There are many obstacles that can force someone into an unhealthy, and no time for exercise. School is a very good example. Although most college age students are relatively healthy, this isn’t due to their diet and profound exercise. Our bodies are able to regulate our unhealthy habits while we are young, but can have horrible results in the future. When it comes to exercise, time and energy are important factors in being able to do physical activity. Most people may not have the money to get a gym membership, or a car to get to the gym, or simply just no time or lack of energy due to the many stressful things that overwhelm human life. I don’t know if the concept of exercise is actually working. Seeing that a large percentage of people in our country are overweight, or obese, it is clear that we either don’t have time to exercise and eat right, or people are just to lazy to take care of themselves. Either way it is becoming an increasing problem, and is going to keep negatively effecting our world, until we can find a better alternative. According to the World Heath Organization, they predict that by the year 2050, 75% of all deaths will be caused by overweight related diseases and cancers. This number is outrageous, and something needs to be done in order to save millions of lives. People need to work together to incorporate more exercise programs, starting from grade school and up. Grade school children will be able to incorporate exercise, and continue a healthy lifestyle if they learn right away. The best way to do this is to make physical activity a requirement in the school system. Even in college, stressed out college students could be lacking in their health due to focusing on studies, but if a yoga or pilates class was required, maybe there would be more physically fit people.

1 comment:

desertfiddlekate said...

I really enjoyed this essay of yours. I liked how you introduced the problem/issue of the essay, and how you explained several reasons why it is a problem in today's society. I also appreciated your opinions on how to turn around the lack-of-exercise epidemic. They were good, sound-minded ideas. There really wasn't much of anything wrong with this essay. I did not know the fact that by 2050, 75% of deaths are predicted to be connected with obesity! That was very interesting as well. Other than that fascinating fact, I was not surprised by your essay. It is a well-written, well-done, and thought-out essay. Good job! :)