Sunday, June 17, 2007

Unit 1 Evaluation

1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?
I am most proud of my lab project, and two compendium reviews. These took a lot of time, and I was excited about the finished work.
2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement?
I have had a lot of difficulty in getting pictures and the online lab assignments to post. Hopefully for the next unit I won’t have a problem in these areas, and be able to get started right away.
3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit?
If grades were based on how much time and effort you put into everything, whether or not it came out perfect with no problems, I would say I deserve an A. Because of my difficulty in posting things, and a couple assignments that need to be critiqued for the next unit, I would say that I’m expecting to get a B.
4. How could I perform better in the next unit?
I definitely underestimated the amount of time that it would take to complete this unit. Starting a little earlier, especially in the case of having problems, will be how I can make the next unit improve.

1 comment:

Larry Frolich said...

blog. I hope you might take a bit of time to play with that and see if you can get it. You could also try calling me during office hours if you can be online at the same time and I can walk you through it. Otherwise, great job!!

SELF/UNIT EVALUATION: First off, thanks for the very honest self-evaluation. I’ve appreciated your persistent battle to get those images posted and, you’re right, effort is not the whole grade, but it definitely makes a difference when it shows up in the results. I’m sure Unit Two, now that you now how it all works, will be much easier.

COMPENDIUM REVIEW 1: CELLS: This is an exemplary review except for not posting images, but I saw them in the download and they look great. I like the graphics you chose. You’ve got references. In general, a very well organized and concise job on this review. Keep it up!

COMPENDIUM REVIEW 2: GENETICS: Same as the Cells review! Way to go.

MICROSCOPE LAB: This is an effective write-up, except for the lack of the image. You’ve got the definitions all down, and I’ll assume you got the image.

DRAGON GENETICS: This is an effective write-up, except for the lack of the image. You’ve got the definitions all down, and I’ll assume you got the image.

BUILD A CELL: The model is great, exemplary. I love the choice of materials and you can see everything very nicely and you get the DNA and mRNA as well. Nice intro with a description of everything. Great job!!

ETHICAL ISSUE ESSAY: GENETIC ENGINEERING. This is an ice effective essay. It presents the issue, a viewpoint, and a nice summary. I’m also always looking to see if you are presenting more than one viewpoint in the essays. Nice job.

Please don’t forget to do your peer color group feedback on their ethical issues essays—you’ll probably find it interesting to see some other blogs also. And get started on Unit II if you haven’t already. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this feedback or your grades which can be seen on the YC Blackboard site.